Divi Stylist Academy

The only complete, hands-on guide to creating beautiful Divi websites with confidence!

Divi Stylist Academy will teach you all you need to know to build visually stunning and fully functional websites. You’ll learn the fundamentals of graphic design, master the Divi Builder – and extend its possibilities with custom CSS and jQuery.

/* Enrollment is Closed */

Before I tell you all about this program, let's talk about who this is really for...

If you are fed up with looking for solutions in tutorials and spending hours trying to fix every little bug on your own, this course is for you! Not only will it give you ready-made solutions to all common issues, it also comes with extensive support that will help you solve web design issues in real time..

If you are creative and full of ideas but feel limited in the way you can bring them to life with Divi – this course is for you. It will give you practical skills in web design, custom CSS and jQuery that will allow you to turn your ideas into sleek websites!

And if you love challenging, well-paid web design projects and want to up your game – this course is for you. You will learn fundamental and advanced skills that will equip you to meet every challenge head-on!

Divi Stylist Academy is perfect for every Divi user, web designer, and freelancer.

Are you working on your own website?

You’re working on your own site, you’ve built it by yourself and are proud of it! Maybe it’s not exactly like the exquisite design you had in mind, but it looks good enough.

Or you’ve started building your website but keep putting it off because the task seems daunting. You could hire a web designer, of course, but you like having control over your brand and content, and you actually enjoy working on your website! It’s a productive hobby and a nice pastime for you… or it would be, if you didn’t get so frustrated sometimes! Divi doesn’t have all the features that you want, and you waste time trying to find tutorials. You wish building a stunning website were easier and more rewarding.

Are you building websites for clients as a full-time job?

Creating websites in Divi is your full-time business and the main source of income. You’re making a living using your skills, but you feel there’s still room for improvement: sometimes, you waste precious time looking for tutorials. Other times, you may shy away from a well-paying job because you don’t feel confident enough that you can do it.

As a freelancer, you’re competing for jobs with other web designers. Some of them have better skills, more impressive portfolios - and much higher prices than you. You wish you could be where they are: confident in your skills, completing projects you can be proud of, getting stellar recommendations from your clients.

Are you building websites for clients as a side hustle?

You have just started working as a web designer on the side and you still have a day job. You enjoy creating websites, but you’re still new to all this: without a lot of experience and a large portfolio of completed projects, you find it hard to get well-paying clients. And even if a big project fell into your lap, you would think long and hard whether you should accept it - after all, you’re just a newbie who still struggles with design principles and barely knows any CSS.

You wish you could work more efficiently, as your time is very limited. Unfortunately, you waste so much of it looking for appropriate code snippets - and scream in frustration when the code doesn’t work properly! It would be awesome if you could complete projects faster and with more self-assurance: you would earn more money, meet deadlines without stress - and someday, maybe, turn web design into your full-time business!

If this is you, don’t think twice before enrolling. Divi Stylist Academy will give you the skills and the confidence boost you need!

Completing the course will give you tangible results…

  • creative freedom

    after learning the simple and effective rules of captivating website design, including branding, color schemes, typography, you can design any website with style; being able to use custom CSS and jQuery will allow you to bring your creative visions to life

  • advanced skills

    after learning CSS and jQuery, as well as the pro mobile responsiveness techniques, you will go beyond the abilities of Divi; those advanced skills will help you stand out among other web designers

  • efficient process

    no more time wasting with tutorials, code snippets, or features that don’t bring the results you want; with DSA, you will fine-tune your process, streamline your troubleshooting technique, and build beautiful, pixel-perfect websites fast

  • confidence to level up

    no more impostor syndrome! DSA is designed to level up your game so you can take on more challenging projects, charge more, and enjoy your work, knowing your skills are enough for any project.

…just like the results achieved by our students.

The program took my webdesign skills to the next level. It gave me freedom for more creativity, as I feel much more confident to consider extraordinary ideas and think out of the box with my new skills in advanced CSS and jQuery.

I was a little bit afraid there would be too much stuff in the program that I already knew before. But actually 75% were partially or fully new to me. And for the things I already knew before, it was very good to get a fresh up and to see how a professional handles certain situations in webdesign.
Before the program I sometimes felt limited in creativity and was not sure, if I could realize certain ideas in terms of layout or functionality.

With Ania’s program I gained so much confidence and I feel like a whole new universe opened up for me, lesson by lesson. A huge playground of new technical possibilities. For me it was perfect.


Bettina Herzog

I can recommend Ania's program with all my heart. She is a real pro when it comes to CSS and web design. I did not only learn a lot but also enjoyed the time of the program very much. If you are not yet a CSS specialist yet, don't miss out on her program!

Her program is thoughtfully designed and gives away a lot of useful things. The resources and her pleasant approach make it such a nice experience.

The hands-on approach was a real game-changer for me. And your sweet personality, Ania. You made the learning an especially fun experience. It was such a nice atmosphere in the class. Everybody could ask any question.

I think it was great value for the money. To be honest - I was thrilled you offered such a program to such a reasonable price! There was no fear at all - just joy and looking forward to the course.

It completely opened my eyes for what can be achieved with css. The hands-on approach was so much better than the theoretical stuff I read before. I feel much more qualified with css and the Divi theme now! Also I learned a lot about the general approach of web design.

Deshna van Aarssen

It has been transformational for my work as a web designer. I have learned so much about CSS, some jQuery, but also all the functions of Divi and the web designing process. It has changed my capabilities and my confidence. It's all much easier now.

I'm a web designer and I've always struggled with CSS on my sites. I can't recommend the Academy enough. I hope you decide to join when it launches again, you will not be disappointed.

Adela Mei

Jinny Austin

If you make websites and if you are using Divi, you should definitely take the Divi Stylist Academy course. There have been so many insights and helpful resources. A whole new world of possibilities has opened up to me.

What's inside
Divi Stylist Academy

Module 1

Website Design Fundamentals

Are you worried you don’t have an eye for design? Don’t be! While it is helpful, it’s not necessary - all it takes to create beautiful websites is learning a few do’s and don’ts of professional design. And if you have inborn good taste, knowing the rules of good design will help you trust your instincts.

In this module, you will learn the craft secrets to designing stunning - and converting - websites. We will start by asking the necessary questions about goals and branding that must be answered before starting a web design project. Next, we will look at sizing, spacing and alignment, because it’s way more important than people imagine! It’s easy to focus on the elements and neglect the space around them, but it’s crucial.

Having done that, we will move on to colors, and you will find out why gray is the most vital of all colors you’ll ever use in web design. We will also do some advanced color work, focusing on color schemes and gradients. Finally, we will uncover the rules of persuasive typography and text styling - and finish by learning how to combine all these elements to create a consistent, smooth design. You will learn my personal tricks of the trade that I use to make every website beautiful.

After completing this module, you will know how to:

  • define a project's specific goals and needs for effective design
  • create an effective wireframe for a website
  • pick a color scheme that will delight users
  • create a visually compelling, exquisite design
Module 2

Divi Theme Workflow

The Divi Theme is a powerful tool for building stunning websites. It offers a plethora of options, edits and tweaks, and the possibilities grow with every update. But navigating the abundance of choices may be difficult, even in a tool as accessible as Divi. That is why this module is crucial if you want to optimize your Divi Theme workflow. Also, before we dive in the more advanced topics such as CSS and jQuery, we need to be aware of what exactly Divi can and cannot do - after all, you don’t want to waste time writing custom CSS if you can achieve an effect in the Divi Theme with just a few clicks!

In this module, we will take a closer look at the Divi Theme Options, which allow you to make global changes to your website and blog, including advertising and SEO. Next, we will look at the Divi Theme Customizer, which is another powerful feature with hundreds of options. I will walk you through the Divi Builder and the Divi Library, and we will also create something fun in the Divi Theme Builder. We will modify our modules globally using Divi Presets, and we’ll look at Divi’s options to add custom code. Finally, you will learn how to work with Divi Child Themes.

Note that we aren’t going to be looking at an endless list of every single feature and its description - you can already access that in the Divi Theme Documentation. Instead, we will highlight the most important and useful tools that will help you achieve the best results in the most efficient way.

After completing this module, you will know how to:

  • efficiently use Divi’s various features
  • modify a website globally in no time
  • create custom elements to make your website stand out
Module 3

HTML & CSS Introduction

In Module 2, we learn how to best utilize the incredible possibilities of the Divi Theme. But sometimes, the built-in options are not enough for more complicated projects. That’s when we need custom CSS. In this module, we will start with the basics, setting up Visual Studio Code and looking at HTML. Tutorials you can find online give you code to copy and insert without teaching you why and how it works. And then, when something fails, you can’t fix it on your own if you don’t understand the why’s and how’s. Module 3 will provide you with the knowledge you need to use custom CSS and understand what you’re doing.

We will learn the necessary CSS terminology, including elements, classes and IDs. After learning how to inspect CSS in a browser, we’ll discuss CSS specificity hierarchy to see what trumps what, and then check out how our new, shiny knowledge looks in action! We’ll modify padding and margin in a box model, review display and position types, and style a button with custom CSS. Finally, we’ll look at the best CSS troubleshooting techniques that will help you deal with CSS problems proactively.

After completing this module, you will know how to:

  • work with HTML and CSS with comprehensive understanding
  • use correct CSS syntax to write your own custom CSS with confidence
  • easily target website elements with correct CSS selectors
  • avoid getting a headache if your CSS doesn’t work at first
Module 4

Advanced CSS Techniques

After laying the groundwork for using CSS, we can have some fun! In this module, you will see what exactly you can achieve with custom CSS. Hint: it’s a lot!

We will start with pseudo elements, which allow you to modify an element by adding to it other elements in relative positions - very useful when you want an element to be displayed differently on different devices, for example. Next, we’ll look at animations, which can be applied to virtually anything, and then go on to filters, which will allow you to modify an image in a bunch of cool ways. You will also learn CSS transformations, with which you can make your modules scale, rotate or move without affecting the position of other elements. We will learn to use icon fonts, because they are as cool as icons and quick to modify. We’ll devote some time to Flexbox, a most useful layout system which allows you to place items in a box in a flexible way, with many layout options. Finally, we’ll look at the CSS Grid Layout, which is even more powrful.

If this seems like a lot, don’t worry! I will lead you step by step through all these techniques, and you will see that these awesome effects usually are much simpler to achieve than they seem!

After completing this module, you will know how to:

  • make your website more lively with animations
  • wow users with cool effects
  • enrich your website with the use of pseudo-elements
  • use Flexbox and Grid with confidence
Module 5

Divi Mobile Responsiveness

After completing modules 1 through 4, you’ll be packing some solid web-design skills. Chances are, you’ll already be implementing them in your projects! But even if you build the sleekest, most awesome website, it will be a failure if it doesn’t look great on mobile devices. Thankfully, this module will teach you all you need to know about Divi mobile responsiveness.

We will start by discussing breakpoints and CSS media queries, which are necessary tools for modifying your website’s appearance on various devices. Divi has its own set of mobile settings, and we will learn what they can do for our mobile responsiveness. Next, we will look at responsive content features and responsive design styles, setting some rules for making your content and design smoothly adaptable. As mobile menu customization can make or break your site’s conversion rates, it deserves a discussion of its own, which I will provide. Some projects may require custom column structure and order, and we will learn how to make complicated designs pixel-perfect. Finally, you will learn easy solutions to the most common mobile issues.

After completing this module, you will know how to:

  • make your website look great on every device
  • customize your mobile menu for some extra wow
  • solve mobile responsiveness issues with ease
Module 6

Working with jQuery

jQuery is a JavaScript shortcut. While JavaScript has limitless potential when it comes to making a website interactive and engaging, it can be quite wordy. ‘Wordy’ as in hundreds of lines of code on a good day. But jQuery, a JavaScript library, makes the problem of wordiness go away. It allows you to achieve amazing JavaScript effects with just a line or two of code!

In module 6, we will learn how to do just that. We will start with a strong base, making a quick overview of JavaScript and jQuery. Next, we will go over jQuery syntax, which is a short and sweet lesson, as jQuery itself is short and sweet. Then, we will learn different methods of selecting elements to modify with jQuery. We will discuss events, i.e. the actions users do on a website, such as clicking or hovering over an element. I will show you how to chain actions or methods into a sequence of effects, and how to hide and show elements on your website. Next, we’ll cover jQuery animations. We’ll look at some nifty ways of changing element data and CSS with jQuery, and to top this module off, I’ll walk you through ways of inserting, replacing, and removing elements.

After completing this module, you will know how to:

  • make your website interactive with jQuery
  • hide and show elements to make your website better organized and more attractive
  • use just a line or two of code to achieve an amazing effect
Module 7

Full Website Creation

This is it. The home stretch. The previous six modules teach different methods and techniques, going into detail and preparing you for various challenges. In module 7, we take a step back and look at the process of website design as a whole. In this implementation module, we will get our hands dirty and walk together through the whole process of creating a website.

We will start with the website header and follow by designing our footer layout with a call to action. We will design a beautiful home page and an effective services/portfolio page which will make users smash that CTA button! Next is the about page, and finally, we’ll design a sleek blog for those extra SEO points: a blog post layout and blog archives and categories. We will finish by summarizing the most important points of the course and I’ll direct you to further high-quality resources.

After completing this module, you will know how to:

  • design an irresistible website
  • implement what you’ve learned in previous modules
  • intuitively use your new skills in real-life projects
But that's not all!

The efficient course structure is not even the best part of the program.

If you’ve taken any online courses before, you might have been disappointed when you got access to the course materials… and realized you’ve been left all alone to study by yourself. This is not what will happen here!

The key feature of Divi Stylist Academy is extensive support for every student. At no point will you be left alone. Every step of the way, you will be given all the help you need to learn effectively and keep your motivation strong!

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